Strategies for Operating a Business on the Frontlines of a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immeasurable disruptions to virtually every aspect of life. Small business owners in particular know this fact as their operations are on the frontlines of the communities that have been affected where changes in customer volume or unexpected employee absences have dramatic effects on a company’s bottom line. However, savvy business owners can use this time to assess, adjust, pivot, and prepare for the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Here are a few strategies and suggestions that business owners can adopt to maintain operations with minimal interruptions and ride out the pandemic.

Stay up to date on city, county, and state regulations  

Be sure you are complying with the evolving regulations for your city, county, and state. Expect regulations to change as the pandemic continues and guidelines to vary widely from region to region and industry to industry. Visit official websites daily and don’t rely solely on the news or social media for updates. 

Examine policies for employee leave and remote work

Employee leave policies should be flexible and non-punitive. When possible, allow employees to work from home if they are feeling ill or self-quarantine if they have come into contact with an infected person. Leave policies should also be considerate of employees who need to stay home with children or care for sick family members. Mishandling COVID-related absences could have legal consequences; however, a little preemptive planning can keep you in the clear.

Review and take inventory of business assets

Now is a good time to examine your business’s physical assets and make sure that everything is adequately insured. Take inventory of the property and equipment needed to operate, such as buildings, equipment, furniture, signage, etc. Connect with a licensed insurance advisor to make sure that your current policy provides enough coverage and ask if an umbrella policy will fill in any gaps in coverage.

Review cybersecurity procedures and software  

Hackers are using this global catastrophe as an opportunity to exploit the businesses and employees that are not prepared for remote work. Cyber attacks are on the rise and SMBs have become the primary target. Take our free, 3-minute CyberCheckup™ to assess your business’s current cybersecurity level and identify any vulnerabilities in your network.  

Consider Cyber Insurance 

Now is a good time to consider investing in Cyber Insurance. Cyber insurance covers your business’s intangible assets like digital files, data, email, computer servers, and client information. This type of business insurance covers your business in the event of a hack, data breach, or system compromise that results in data loss or financial damages. Cyber insurance may seem novel to many business owners, but it has become a necessary form of coverage for all companies that use computers or devices with an internet connection.

For help with your business and cyber insurance needs, visit or speak with a licensed insurance advisor by calling (800) 590-7292 for more details.

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